Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Blogging Friends.... I have fallen a bit behind on most of your Web sites. I shall soar through them. Soon. Hopefully!! I am also still reading through my Life Story, and have three chapters left!! Almost finished!! I am looking forward to reading the next chapter, as it was literally written during a cosmic mood swing when God taught me "Perspective". Speaking of which. I awoke yesterday "on the wrong side of the bed", as that phrase goes. I was tired, had a rough night's sleep, felt sick of being sick, and nobody expressed any pity for me!! Well. So it felt, anyway!! I was doing it again. Throwing myself yet another pity party. Why must I even "go there"? I walked around yesterday with an invisible ebony rain cloud hovering over my head. Until early afternoon. I owe that to finally allowing myself some chocolate!! I was having a serious craving!! Yes, I am addicted!! It's a problem. Lest anybody wonder, I am in even brighter spirits today!! Obviously!! So, I shall close with a quote by someone who I greatly admire. Helen Keller.
"Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world." --Helen Keller
Please pray for a Beautifully Unique Kindred Spirit CDH Friend who I have "met" Online. Her name is Sunni. She's nearly nine months old. Aside from the congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Sunni has also suffered through some serious heart problems. This was posted on her Mom's Facebook page yesterday. "Well the roller coaster continues. After she got dehydrated they started giving her replacement fluid for all the output she has from her vented g-tube. Now she is starting to get super puffy which leads to worsened breathing. They had to put her back on oxygen (.75 liters currently). They also stopped feeds completely because she was so uncomfortable and distended day before yesterday. Now I was just told they think she is having congestive heart failure. -*Sighs*-".
That kind of puts my emotional, moody yesterday into perspective....    


Ziggy Stardust said...

I love the Helen Keller quote. I love chocolate as well, sometimes you just have to have it! I will say a prayer for your friend. It sounds like she has many burdens right now.

Anne and Sasha

Mary Lou said...

Anne and Sasha....
"I love chocolate as well, sometimes you just have to have it!". I can't but agree!! ;-D
Sunni is not even one year old yet. I neglected to mention that little detail. Whoops!! I shall add that to my Blog post!! ;op

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It's amazing how insignificant our problems are when we see others.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella &roxy

Mary Lou said...

Daisy, Bella & Roxy....
Thank-you for the comment!!
"It's amazing how insignificant our problems are when we see others.". True. And yet, this is a lesson which I need reminded of continuously!! ;op

Unknown said...

How sweet and kind of you to stop thinking about yourself and make time to think and pray for Sunni. We say a prayer for them too. How awful for the parents. Take acre.
Best wishes Molly

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!! I truly appreciated it!! ;-D
"How sweet and kind of you to stop thinking about yourself and make time to think and pray for Sunni.". It was more like that Facebook message came at just the right time.... ;)
Thanks for your prayers. ;op

Sketching with Dogs said...

I hope little Sunni feels much better soon. You are right, everything seems so significant when we look at the problems others have to face.
From a fellow chocolate addict x

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
"Everything seems so significant when we look at the problems others have to face.". I can't but agree!! ;op