Monday, July 16, 2012

A Happy Medium

Blogging Friends.... If you have not already figured this out, I am a shameless advocate of mixed breed canines and mutt adoption on my Blog!! I'm unapologetic, really!! Why? Because I share my existence with a certain Beautifully Unique "Mystery Dog", named Rose!! And I love and celebrate her every second of the day!! Plus, based upon personal observation, seemingly nobody owns mutts!! But that is just what I have seen.... So, twice monthly, I will be expressing my feelings regarding anything mixed breed!! But do not desert me, dear Friends, because of this one Blog post. Please. There will be plenty of stories to come!!

Seventy-five percent. That is the total of mutts which enter shelters nationwide. Seventy-five percent. To me, this is a heartbreaking number.... Which experts do not tout nearly often enough!! No. They always mention the lesser, yet equally significant, percentage. In books. Online newsletters. Seemingly everywhere, this message is declared: Twenty-five percent of dogs which enter US shelters are purebreds. Well, while I feel pity toward those "pedigree" canines, what about the mutts, I always question. What about the mutts? Seriously. They are the seventy-five percent. And, which number is most likely to be unjustly euthanized, like some criminal on death row, in kill-shelters? Hmmm.... I have zero statistics for an answer, but my guess would be the seventy-five percent. The seventy-five percent. As I share my daily existence with Rose, this Beautifully Unique "Mystery Dog", that breaks my heart!! Breaks. My. Heart. It is my opinion that more people, in this case Americans, should adopt shelter mutts!! Why? For twain reasons. One: So that they can learn to love these "imperfect", yet beautiful four-legged creatures!! Mutts are not purebreds. Nope!! They are not "pedigrees". Yet mutts will be your devoted companions, same as with purebreds, for their entire lives!! Their entire lives. And two: If more Americans adopted shelter mutts, then, not only will they contribute to the seventy-five percent, but this number, hopefully, can be eradicated!! I'm an eternal optimist, I confess!! But when we adopted Rose at our local shelter, that is what I did. I contributed to the seventy-five percent!! Although I did not realize this at the time!! I was oblivious to any stats. I simply wanted a canine!! But I did contribute to the seventy-five percent!! Plus, I opened my heart to an "imperfect", yet beautiful four-legged creature!! That's right!! An adult three-year old "second-chance" little girl with a mysterious past, even!! And I'm so glad that I did!! I could not imagine my life sans Rose!! I could not imagine.... However. What would happen if every prospective owner adopted shelter mutts? Most likely the reverse result!! Literally. Purebreds would, eventually, became the seventy-five percent. Do I wish for that? Absolutely not!! So, I present my "Happy Medium" solution. That every multi-dog household, if possible, adopt one shelter mutt, and one shelter purebred!! Or more!! Some people do own several canines!! I acknowledge that. Should I ever adopt a second dog, which I'd never do, then he would be some medium-sized shelter purebred!! If possible. And he would be some rare breed, because I love all things different. If possible. He would be around the same size as Rose, too. If possible!! Then, I would experience this warm positive feeling that I'd just contributed to both parties!! Both parties. But, meanwhile, the seventy-five percent could use adopting....


Unknown said...

Good post and we hope all find homes. Always sad to see those wanting a new home and love and affection. Happy Tuesday to you all.
Best wishes Molly

3 doxies said...

A happy medium is always a good thing...even in life.
I nevers realized 75% of dogs in shelters were mixed


Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
I know, right? It is downright depressing witnessing dogs in wall-to-wall kennels, awaiting forever loving homes!! :-(

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
Yep. Seventy-five percent. It's sad.... :-(
"A happy medium is always a good thing...even in life.". You are right about that, Puddles!! ;op

Sherri / 2Rescues said...

Good post. As you know, I share the same point of view. Also, after adopting Thumper as a young adult, I see the joys of adopting an adult dog as opposed to raising puppy. No teething. Easier or no housebreaking, if you are lucky enough to find one house trained. Everybody seems to want puppies, but there are wonderful older dogs who need good homes. I love puppies, don't get me wrong, but in many ways the adult dog was so much easier.

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
Wow!! I feel as though you took the words straight from my heart and stole them!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;-D
It is true that everybody seems to want puppies, and, although they need forever loving homes just the same, I do not quite understand this myself. There are, indeed, wonderful adult "second chance" dogs out there!! I live with one!! ;op

KSO said...

I hope they all find homes :)

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
Agreed!! ;op

Alison said...

It is a pretty shocking number. I wish there was a way for all dogs to find a loving furever home.

People need to start being more responsible and get their pets spayed/neutered as well.

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
A pretty shocking number, indeed!! I, too, wish there was some way for all dogs to find forever loving homes!! Far too many potentially loyal canines are locked in shelters like prison inmates!! It is sad.... :-(

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I wish people would be responsible pet owners.
Some people have no heart-
some like a puppy when it is little,. and not when it is big..
But some peoples don't like puppys either,,, and do evil things to them.
If people were responsible then all these animals would have good homes.. and not be population explosion of dogs everywhere.
So many are dumped out, and it makes me sick to think about it.
Sorry I got off the topic of your post.
What you said is very true

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
Wow. What an insightful comment, too!! ;)
Well, I prefer adult dogs over puppies. Why? Because I don't "do" babies. Of any specie. Babies make me nervous. Very, very nervous!! But, it is not that I lack maternal instincts. No. I employ them on Rose every day!! Puppies? They are cute.... When somebody else owns them!! For me, personally? Honestly? Puppies overwhelm me!! So I guess that I'm already ahead of the game!! Because I love adult dogs!! ;op

Ryker said...

Wonderful post! Our local shelter is mostly full of huskies and pit bulls.
I think a lot of times it depends on what you grew up with. My dad always got purebred dogs so when the time came that I could provide a good life for a dog I researched breed characteristics and made my choice. I wanted a puppy so I could train it to become a therapy dog. I was very diligent about finding a good breeder that breeds for health and temperament.
Being a foster for homeless dogs has been very rewarding and I plan to continue to do so. Fostering is a great way to find a dog, it is the one you just can't let go!

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
Yeah.... If I looked at any local shelter Web sites, which I've not done in quite some time, then chances are, I'd find several Pit Bulls, as well.... Plus mutts. Sad.... :-(
I think it is absolutely fine that you have chosen the purebred route!! Like I expressed in my Blog post, if everybody adopted mutts, then where would this leave "pedigrees"? They'd become the seventy-five percent. Quickly. :-(
I commend anybody who partakes in foster care. For children and canines. I could not do it!! ;op

Sankissjuice said...

I also support mixed breeds!!!! It is genetically advantageous. We need to spread the awareness. Thank you for this post.

I'll be back,

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
I am beyond happy that you, too, support mutts!! How wonderful!! "It is genetically advantageous" to own and love mixed breeds!! "Genetically advantageous". I like that!! ;op