Blogging Friends.... Thank-you from the depths of my heart and soul
for every comment on "Minuscule is good!". One word. Wow!! You, my
dear Friends are wonderful!! I have definitely felt the love!! Expect a new
post on "Minuscule is good!"--Lord willing!!--come Monday!! Oh, and a
little heads-up. I plan to moderate its comments box soon.
I am writing this with a cold. I have been battling it all week.
Ugh. Oh, and I hardly slept a wink last night due to one nasty asthma attack
which rudely awoke me around 12AM. I inhaled some albuterol, then finally gave
up at three after it relapsed, and realized that there was no way I was ever going
back to sleep, I wrote most of this post!! Ah,
Heaven!! If it is foggy {Like my head!!} I sincerely apologize!!
"You fail only if you stop writing." --Ray Bradbury
Give in to self-pity? Or feel gratitude? My crazy head was having a
difficult time deciding which equally palpable emotion to experience, as I
could sense yet another title wave of
mood swing-infused pity parties on the horizon. Not surprising. Here they come again!! Give in to
self-pity? Let it overtake my emotions like some violent military attack? I
have valid reasons to do so. Yet another
shattered, unobtainable dream for starters. Once again feeling like a failure.
Someone who I am in close proximity to will soon attend college classes in
pursuit of an amazingly big ambition. Once again making me feel like a failure.
Or. Should I feel gratitude? For the many blessings which God has bestowed
upon me? Such as my gift of writing. The
other day, I discovered this quote by Ray Bradbury. "You fail only if you stop writing.". I like that!! Because.
For no matter what season of life I walked, or how many different obsessions my
mind acquired, I'd always be writing!! "Star Wars"? I wrote fictional
stories--which I've long-ago mislocated--about Darth Vader, his Storm Troopers,
Han Solo, and me. Acting? I would--as a teenager--play with Barbie dolls,
meanwhile writing in my head their characters and stories. Tom Hanks? I wrote a
fictional story about the actor--again which has been mislocated--about me
sharing my Faith with him over McDonald's french fries. Former major league
baseball pitcher Curt Schilling? I wrote about his final career milestones and
World Series starts like some newspaper journalist. I still have those!! For no matter how many different obsessions my
mind acquired, I'd always be writing!! Always.
"You fail only if you stop
writing.". Mmmm.... By the
way? This here post was an accurate account--if memory serves me--of what I
have been struggling with, but best of all, learning
through lately. Give in to self-pity? Or feel
gratitude? It is a choice. Which did I choose? I chose gratitude!! You know what? When I stop throwing myself pity
parties regarding being different, amazing
things always occur. Amazing things. I
realize that my very life existence is a
terrible privilege, yet minuscule. I reach out to Moms {Plus one Dad!!} who have had
children either born with craniosynostosis or congenital diaphragmatic hernia. I start a Blog which will feature monthly Writing Projects. When I
stop throwing myself pity parties regarding being different, amazing things always occur. Amazing things....