Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Farewell, Shadow Sunshine

~Readers: One year ago today, around 9:30 PM, my beautiful "blond"-furred German Shepherd/Golden Retriever cross, Shadow Sunshine collapsed--hard--on our "computer room" floor.... Not far from where I'm sitting right now. I was feeding her--fetching some pizza flavored treats--when she fell. Shadow could not stand up. I sat with her nearly all night long--getting a mere two hours sleep--as this poem expresses. We had Shadow euthanized the next afternoon, on June 15th, 2010, around 2:30 PM.~

During that dreadful, dreadful night when you fell;
Nobody could predict death, no one could tell;
But it was such a hard collapse;
Did your hips quit on you, perhaps?
Trying hard to get up, this proved a losing fight;
So I stayed by your side nearly all through the night;
For ten years you've been faithful toward me;
This was my time to show loyalty!
Farewell, Shadow Sunshine, farewell....
You've left lots of stories to tell!
Wherever I go;
You will be missed so.

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