Friday, March 7, 2014


Blogging Friends.... It feels as though I owe you a story about Rose. This one occurred quite some time ago. It was hidden away in disorganized notes on a Word Document page!! Enjoy!!

"A lively imagination is one of the best things a cub can have. It's imagination that lets us paint pictures, make up poems, invent inventions!" --Papa Bear from "The Bernstein Bears: In The Dark"
An imagination. Everybody--whether young or old--possesses one. Some, I have observed, are much more in touch with their inner imaginations than others. But everybody possesses one. And with my crazy never-shuts-down head? I am one of those who is much more in touch with her inner imagination than others!! And, you know what? This is a cosmic blessing, as it enables me to write fictional children's stories!! Because after all. My lively imagination just created twin leprechaun characters!! And, occasionally? My imagination can produce some wild, far out images, like a weird dream. Such was the case after an incident with Rose. I awoke early, as per usual, and turned on this very flat-screened computer. What I was doing, I do not recall. Fooling around and wasting time? Reading/commenting on people's Blogs? Just simply waking up? Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a loud booming sound, but could not determine what it was. Our Army conducting practice flights? Now that gives a brand new meaning to the term "o dark thirty", doesn't it? Were commercial airliners flying too low? Again? Whatever the loud booming sound was, it most certainly spooked Rose!! Poor baby!! Rose--who had been sound asleep in my bedroom--abruptly stood up and made contact with the closed door. BAM!! This flat-screened computer is located right next to my bedroom, so I can--for the most part--hear everything that Rose does. Which is quite convenient!! Now, Rose merely perks her floppy velvet-soft ears whenever jets fly above our house. She does not make impact with a closed door!! Which lead my internal Sherlock Holmes to only one logical conclusion. Thunder. I immediately jumped up and opened the door to console a terrified Rose. Later, my lively imagination produced this wild, far out, yet comical image. If Rose were a cartoon character--like in an old Mickey Mouse episode--she would have shot right through that door!! And survived it!! Then there would have been a canine-shaped hole in my bedroom door!! And, by the way? That canine-shaped hole would have closed back up within seconds!! No need to repair it!! Now, imagine that. You know what? Papa Bear was absolutely correct!!

"A lively imagination is one of the best things a cub can have. It's imagination that lets us paint pictures, make up poems, invent inventions!" --Papa Bear from "The Bernstein Bears: In The Dark"   


Unknown said...

Poor Rose but we chuckle at the cartoon image. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for commenting, Friend!!
"Poor Rose but we chuckle at the cartoon image.". Yep. That was me, finding humor in poor Rose's situation!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;op

Sketching with Dogs said...

Poor Rose, that must have been quite a shock for her. Glad she got used to it.
Lynne x

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment, Friend!!
"Poor Rose, that must have been quite a shock for her.". I can't but agree!! ;op

Deidre said...

Imaginations are a funny thing. I've got a pretty vibrant one myself. Imaginations always remind me of Anne of Green Gables and how Marilla couldn't be bothered imagining :)

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment, Friend!!
"Imaginations are a funny thing. I've got a pretty vibrant one myself. Imaginations always remind me of Anne of Green Gables and how Marilla couldn't be bothered imagining!". Yes!! I love, love, love that "Anne of Green Gables" reference!! And you know what? I can't but agree!! Anne and I are so much alike it is ridiculous!! ;op

Sherri / 2Rescues said...

Hi Raelyn, thanks for stopping by my darn near dead blog and leaving a comment. I've tried to write posts, but can't seem to get anything actually written. Lots has been going on (transitioning to single mom life)....the dogs are fine, they are my rescuers now, they are keeping me sane. So is reading my friends blogs, so keep wriitng! Give Rose a hug and a play-bow from Lightning and Thumper. I hope I can get it together for an update post soon. I got a video of the dogs playing a couple of days ago. I'd like to post it if I can figure out how to upload it.

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment, Friend!!
You're welcome!! ;)
"Lots has been going on (transitioning to single mom life)....the dogs are fine, they are my rescuers now, they are keeping me sane. So is reading my friends blogs, so keep writing!". I am sorry that you have been going through hard times regarding transitioning to single mom life, Friend. Hugs.... ;op
PS. When I wrote that we are watching "Amethyst" TWICE a week, I meant to write ONCE a week!! Phew!! I am not as busy as I lead you to believe!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;-D