Monday, March 17, 2014

The Clincher

Blogging Friends.... I hereby behold. This is my final "therapy session"!! For a while, at least!! Because I do not think I need them anymore!! I have felt this way for quite some time. But. Like some child with a security blanket, I was reluctant to let it go. "Let it go". Those are the key subject words that I feel God is whispering into my heart and soul right now. "Let it go". Thank-you, dear Blogging Friends--again--from the depths of my heart for your support....

"Minuscule is good!
Trust me, it's much better than thinking everything you do is important and meaningful. That is not good." --Robert Downey Jr.

Dreams. I cannot help but wonder. Why do we even have them? My sister would love to become a worldwide traveler, her list including Ireland and Africa. But she has neither the time nor the money for such a dream. My Dad wrote a "book" quite some time ago, and would love more than anything to become published. No, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", as that phrase goes!! I am, like, a female version of Dad.... Positives, negatives, character defects and all!! So back to my query. Why do we even dream? Is it for our own personal comfort? Because daydreaming feels good? Is it because we are human? Why....? Well, I finally did it. I Google-searched self-published authors. And, incidentally, {Or was it providential?!} God immediately lead me to an interview with a self-published author. Naturally, I clicked on it. And, incidentally, {Or was it providential?!} my eyes immediately noticed these words which were spoken by the self-published author. She said this.

Finding the time to market my books and write the next one is the biggest challenge – there just aren't enough hours in the day.

Whoa. What is one of my "biggest challenges" as a "Children's Writer"? Honestly? It would be periodic bouts of Writer's Block. Which I love, love, love!! Plus, occasionally, another challenge is envisioning future fictional children's stories. Which I do not mind!!

Finding the time to market my books and write the next one is the biggest challenge – there just aren't enough hours in the day.

Wow. This is definitely a clincher. Because I need the time to create my "books". Yes, need. For I have figured myself out!! At last. It took me thirty years of life. But I have figured myself out!! See. I possess a crazy never-shuts-down head. Correct? Well. Having monthly Writing Projects, I put that crazy never-shuts-down head of mine "to work". Because. My crazy never-shuts-down head can also get me "into trouble" what with minor mood swing-infused pity parties, plus negative thoughts/feelings/emotions. But these Writing Projects!! Putting this crazy never-shuts-down head of mine "to work" provides my existence with an immense sense of purpose!! It truly does!! For my Writing Projects give me something exciting to anticipate once-a-month!! Both reasons which are exactly what keeps me "out of trouble"!! After thoroughly reading the interview--which I enjoyed!!--I looked this self-published author up. I wanted to know how many books she had written. Answer? Four. Huh. That most certainly does not trump twelve "books" in 2014!! As a matter of fact. Since October, beginning with "Bubbles the Bubblegum Bunny", I have written six--soon to be seven!!--children's "books"!! And if I count my "Amethyst"-inspired monkey story? I have actually written seven--soon to be eight!!--children's "books"!! And I mustn't forget my Life Story!! No, I mustn't!! It did, after all, ignite my addiction to Writing Projects!! I "awakened the sleeping giant", as that phrase goes!! I am a writer, an artist who paints pictures with words. Do I need one of my "books" to become an bestseller--if that is even possible!!--as confirmation that I can? Absolutely not!! Because I am a "Children's Writer"!! I am. Writing.... Is the heart which beats a steady, rhythmic beat within my chest. Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. Writing.... Is the blood which pulses through my veins. Without this God-given talent, I would be dead!! Writing.... To me is the best form of therapy. It's healing in every single way. Writing.... Is the superglue that holds me together both emotionally and mentally. Because. Writing.... Helps keep me sane!! I can. What I cannot do? Quit writing my monthly fictional stories!! So I should not become a published children's author. Ever. And that is seemingly God's final answer to me. Well, guess what? I am not in the slightest bit sorry for this loss!! Because I'm living The Dream!! It was never broken or shattered after all....

Chant with me now. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, dear Blogging Friends!!

May God Grant you always.... A sunbeam to warm you.... A moonbeam to charm you.... A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you.... Laughter to cheer you.... Faithful friends near you.... And whenever you pray.... Heaven to hear you. --Anonymous

And remember. Everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's Day!!




Unknown said...

You carry on living the dream and don't stop making time for a little dreaming too. We all need dreams otherwise what would we aspire to?
Have a marvellous Monday and Happy St Patrick's Day and may luck be with you.
Best wishes Molly

Mary Lou said...

Thanks for the comment, Friend!!
"You carry on living the dream and don't stop making time for a little dreaming too. We all need dreams otherwise what would we aspire to?". You know what, Friend? I just closed a chapter in my life. And I'd be lying if I did not say that this is somewhat emotional!! I mean. I just closed the door to my lifelong dream of becoming a published author and threw away its key!! However. I do still feel at peace about this.... Because I'm livin' The Dream!! ;)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! ;op

Sketching with Dogs said...

The thing you love most is always the best therapy :)
Happy St Pat's Day from all of us!
Lynne Dip and Elliot x

Mary Lou said...

Lynne Dip and Elliot....
Thank-you for the comment, Friends!!
"The thing you love most is always the best therapy.". I can't but agree!! ;)
Happy belated St. Patrick's Day to you!! ;op

Ryker said...

I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream.

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for commenting, Friend!!
I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. I'm livin' The Dream. You actually chanted it with me!! Cool!! ;op

Deidre said...

I think dreams help us the possibility of what's out there. And if we're not living our dreams, it's because we're making the choice not to.

But we can always choose something else. Always.

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment, Friend!!
"If we're not living our dreams, it's because we're making the choice not to. But we can always choose something else. Always.". Valid point!! Sort of like I have chosen--albeit inadvertently--to live The Dream.... Right. Now? ;op

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am glad you write, cause it makes you happy!!! Everyone needs to find what makes them happy!

Mary Lou said...

Thanks for the comment, Friend!!
"I am glad you write, cause it makes you happy!!! Everyone needs to find what makes them happy!". I can't but agree, Friend. I can't but agree!! ;op