Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy? New Year

Written with a groggy brain, plus short-term memory loss.... Never an ideal combination!! Hopefully, I have every detail correct....

Well, 2012 has arrived.... An old year is gone. Vanished into time. Again. And a new year has come.... Far too swiftly. 2012 arrived with a bang--literally--in our neighborhood. New Year's Eve does not always involve bottle rockets around here. It isn't a given like on Independence Day. Sometimes we have brilliant explosions, sometimes not. I was sleeping. Attempting to catch a precious night's sleep as I battle an unwelcomed chest cold. Suddenly, I felt something hit me!! Next, my bed shook, as though we were having an earthquake!! I sat straight up with a sharp gasp. Then I heard several booming noises. All at once. I was wide awake now. I knew exactly what had just occurred. Fireworks exploded. Rose became frightened. She pounced onto my bed, trembled, and caused our little "earthquake". My initial thought was: Is it midnight, already? Oh no!! Meanwhile, the mucous within my lungs were creating "fireworks" of their own. I was suffering from an asthma attack!! While bottle rockets rattled our windows, and Rose shook the bed, I could not comfort my poor baby. No soothing touch. No gentle whispering. Circumstances would not allow it!! Oh, I felt so guilty about that!! Plus, I was trapped. By a traumatized, trembling Rose!! I was lying on my right side, as always. Knees bent. Blankets wrapped around me. Rose nestled herself firmly against my legs. I sat up, coughed/gasped for air. Rose turned her head to glance in my direction. It was as if she exclaimed: Mama!! Finally!! You're awake!! I coughed, Rose trembled, fireworks exploded. Then she leapt off my bed. Rose stood, stock-still, like a deer in some car's headlights. Another explosion boomed. It was loud!! This one shot straight through me. And Rose darted away. Coughing, I followed her into the darkness. She was headed down a hallway. Gingerly, I grabbed Rose's collar. I redirected her toward my bedroom. Unfortunately, there is no escaping these bottle rockets. They are everywhere!! And sound vibrates against our walls. Even from outside. But I wanted Rose near me. This way, I do not have to fret about accidents. I needed her near me. I encouraged Rose back onto my bed. No response. Eventually, however, I started coughing and gasping for air again. I was forced to desert Rose for a bathroom. She cautiously followed. I closed the door behind us. Coughed and coughed until things settled down within me. I then opened the door. Rose, who had been trembling against our bathtub, stood up. Then, I decided to watch some bottle rockets "safely" from a window. That was when I lost Rose. Yep. Lost her. Somewhere in our house!! This drove me insane!! I despise uncertainty. And I do not like it at all when my girl is missing!! Even if zero harm will come to her!! So I searched the house. I looked behind doors. I checked both bathtubs. I looked on furniture. I peeked underneath our tables. All while attempting not to cough. "Rose? Rose!! Rose!!" I frantically whispered. Where was she? Finally, I thought: Look under Michael's bed. I did.... But it was pitch black beneath his mattress!! So I found a flashlight. Staring back at me were two big brown eyes. There she was!! I let Rose be. For I could not fit under there with her!! I waited until 12:30 AM, when New Years' fireworks always wane. Will Rose sleep underneath Uncle Michael's bed all night long? I wondered. I did not like the thought of that!! Here I am, sick, coughing, wheezing.... And feeling utterly guilty because I was not there for Rose!! Now, our midnight skies were silent.... At last. So I fetched Rose's Christmas chicken jerky. I broke off a piece. Tossed it into her silver bowl. Naturally, there was no reaction. She did not come bounding into the kitchen for food like usual. No. Not while she was terrified!! So, with the chicken jerky in my hand, I walked over to Rose. I showed it to her. "Come on.... Come on.... Do you want a treat?" I softly whispered. Rose just looked at me, a dull expression across her face. I encouraged further. "Come on.... A treat.... You gotta get it...." Then, she ate the chicken jerky!! With that, I gently pulled my dog out from under the bed. I brought her into "our" room. She was reluctant, but all was calm. The "fireworks" within my lungs began again. I coughed and gasped for air once more. Finally, I took my albuterol inhaler. I have not suffered from an asthma attack like this one in a long time. I'd forgotten what the symptoms were!! I allowed Rose one more small piece of her Christmas jerky. This time she accepted it willingly. Then I sat up with Rose until becoming exhausted. Eventually she returned to her pillow.

Happy? New Year Rose....


Stacey said...

aww, poor Rose and you and what a welcome to the new year.

I have to say though, there definitely was a lot more fireworks this year, even round where I live.

Hope your both much better!

Mary Lou said...

Thanks for commenting!!
Yes, for all those who are concerned.... Rose has RECOVERED, and I am ON THE MEND!! ;-}

Ruby said...

That does not sound like the ideal way to welcome the new year in! I am so sorry, but glad you both survived and are on the mend again!

Mary Lou said...

Thank-you for the comment!!
Yeah.... I MISTAKENLY THOUGHT that my asthma was COMPLETELY BETTER.... Up until January 1st, 2012. I was HOPEFUL, at least.... And, while my asthma HAS improved.... It is NOT "completely better". Oh well....
As for my CHEST COLD, I continue to be ON THE MEND!! :-D